Friday, May 18, 2007

To Beard or not to Beard?

After many years of delays in progressing past a particular situation this summer looks like being very interesting in that I am due to appear in a book as well as having my own autobiographical book published. Details will follow when the Good Witch of the South and I have finalised the book manuscripts, my book Web Site being at; all will become clear, along with other connections, in a few weeks time.

In addition, I had recently been in a conversation with a “Well Wisher”, who confirmed what I had thought about certain past events in Havant and Hampshire, as well as providing valuable information, having followed my progress through my Web Sites. The same person also advised me that certain people were putting it about that “his marbles are loose”, though professional experienced psychiatrists, Members and Fellows of the Royal College of Psychiatry no less, who know me well consider me entirely sane (, though, from a limited intellect point of view, that is understandable, given the nature of my Web Sites (

Hence, there was too much on my mind while shaving one morning in mid-April. The lack of concentration led to a cut chin. As Jo and I were going on holiday in the New Forest the following week, the obvious choice was to simply stop shaving and let it grow.

A couple of weeks later I had a respectable beard, though was not sure whether I liked it or not. Jo had thought she might like me to have one, which was another reason for letting it grow, as an experiment.

However, Jo thought it made me look stern and Emma, our daughter, said it made me look older, which beards usually do, and Jo agreed. Partly because of a remark Jo made, I told Emma, who is expecting a baby, that I was practising to be a grandfather.

I thought it might be interesting to keep it into the summer, maybe for amusing confusion when the books are published and I finally get into the public domain; as compared with the photographs on my Web Sites (,, etc.).

Unfortunately, I do not have the luxury of having a beard, or not, as and when the mood takes me, though Richard Lucas, Sylvie’s husband, who I have come to know quite well, does just that. Unlike Sylvie, my Proof Reader/Editor and I, Richard Lucas is discarnate, has no physical body, at present, and with that comes such ability in defining, deciding, one’s appearance (

A positive development was a conversation about beards, Richard Lucas, the non-physical, Lorelei (, and so on, during an evening while on holiday in the New Forest.

Jo is very intuitive and senses at a high level, at times, including a little while my mother was terminally ill in 2004 ( However, she is very much in the physical and muted, particularly considering she is Lorelei’s Soul Sister (, a connection which surfaced when Lorelei helped Jo through a major operation in the mid 1990s. During that conversation, who Jo really is began to surface more, at least a little.